Many individuals suffer from dental anxiety, making it difficult for them to relax during their appointment or even want to visit the dentist. To create a more comfortable environment and enjoyable experience, sedation dentistry is often utilized. Sedation dentistry can be an effective solution for patients with a fear of dental procedures and needles, and it can also be helpful for those with uncontrollable gag reflexes, patients who require extensive dental work, and individuals who have sensitive teeth. 

At Pasadena Dental Aesthetics, cosmetic dentist Arash Azarbal, DDS prioritizes patient comfort and well-being, and sedation dentistry options available at our practice can help many individuals alleviate anxiety during dental treatment. Dr. Azarbal wants his patients to feel at ease when they visit our office and feel secure in expressing any concerns they may have.  

Below, Dr. Azarbal breaks down some common misconceptions that patients may have about sedation dentistry. 

1. Sedation dentistry is only utilized for complex or invasive procedures. 

A common myth about sedation dentistry is that it is only used for more complex or “painful” procedures, such as root canal treatment. In fact, the approach can be beneficial for any patient with dental anxiety to help ensure their appointment, whether that includes invasive procedures or not, is more comfortable and relaxing. 

2. There is only one type of sedation in sedation dentistry. 

There are a variety of sedation dentistry options available. At Pasadena Dental Aesthetics, we offer nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation or general anesthesia. Each is administered differently and provides varying levels of relaxation. Determining which method is best for one’s individual needs will depend on each patient’s preference, level of anxiety, medical history, and other factors.  

3. Sedation dentistry is unsafe. 

When administered by an experienced and qualified medical professional, sedation dentistry can be safe. While a sedation option meant for more severe stress and anxiety, such as general anesthesia, carries more risks, the sedation dentistry process is a typically seamless and comfortable experience.

4. Only adults can be sedated. 

Adults are not the only type of patient who can benefit from sedation dentistry. Dental anxiety is common among children, and younger patients who fear going to the dentist can be considered for sedation dentistry after discussion with Dr. Azarbal. 

5. Sedation dentistry is suitable for any patient. 

While both adults and children can be candidates for sedation dentistry, the service may not be suitable for all patients. It may not be recommended for individuals who are pregnant, have certain medical conditions or taking certain medications, or are allergic to a sedative. Dr. Azarbal can determine candidacy during the consultation. 

To learn more about sedation dentistry or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azarbal, please contact our office today.